About Linda

Linda grew up in Oxfordshire England where her parents and grandparents were among founding members of the Abingdon Christian Spiritualist Church where she was christened.  It was founded in 1956 and continues today.  The church members would have development circles where aspirants to mediumship may gather with a medium for conversation and direction in  psychic development and healing.  Linda’s mother and father ran one of these groups in their home and Linda sat in the circle at a young age.

The family attended lectures by Gordon Higginson,  as well as  many other  well known British mediums and teachers at the Arthur Findlay college, Stansted Hall,  United Kingdom.
Linda was also  taken by her parents to Harry Edwards a world renowned healer at his sanctuary in Shere, U.K.

Having had this  background, Linda wished   to pass on the knowledge to others about the continuation of life after death proved through mediumship.

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